Celebrating Wisdom and Legacy: The 60th Birthday
Whether the official age of retirement from a life of gainful employment, or simply a number, when a person reaches the age of 60 it is most certainly a great achievement by any standard. On a person’s 60th Birthday, they are officially given a seal of dignity, a merit badge of achievement that simultaneously prompts reminiscences of the life lived to arrive at this age, as well as the blessing to go forth and continue living. Reaching the age of 60 is more than simply a number, in our opinion, because it is the cumulative achievement of many smaller milestones that has led to this one.
There is an element of wisdom associated with attaining 60 years of age, and it is not an association to be made lightly. Consider the things that this person has witnessed, the literal decades of modern history that they have lived through, the people in their lives who have come and gone, and so on. For those of you reading this who are not quite there yet, it is admittedly a difficult idea to wrap your heads around. Think about it, and those of you reading this who have reached this wonderful age can attest to this, sixty years ago, there were no personal computers, no mobile phones let alone smart phones, not even flatscreen televisions or any television that could be operated with a remote control. Why, there were nowhere near as many channels on television! And social media? You get the picture.
Along with the wisdom, there is a sense of legacy that a 60-year-old leaves behind them, a sort of tall building that they are still adding storeys to as they continue on in this life. This legacy is the family that they have built with their spouse or partner, the wealth of written works, or other professional or academic achievement that has helped shaped the course of our more modern history. Whatever this legacy is, it is almost as if a 60th Birthday calls everyone to attention to recognize it, for it is truly an achievement to behold.
Luckily for you, or anyone whom you may know who has a 60th Birthday coming up, we at Inytes.com have a thoughtful selection of 60th Birthday Inytes that you can use to help spread the word about this upcoming celebration. All you have to do is make your choice, make a few minor modifications so that it more closely reflects your aesthetic preferences, and send it to all those you wish to attend this 60th Birthday party that you are throwing. Because, and let’s be honest here, if it is a loved one who is completing their 60th year of life, you are definitely going to want to celebrate it, no matter what. It would be the perfect time to call your entire family to come together and honour this moment, as you share in the memories and say prayers that this loved one will see many more years of life to come.
60th Birthday Party Ideas
There are lots of things that go into planning a great birthday party, so we thought we would help you brainstorm a few ideas that you could try and use for an upcoming 60th Birthday party that you may be planning or throwing. Here we go.
Reminiscing about a Life Lived Well
First up, the overall nature of the party may be more dignified than your average birthday bash, so let us keep this in mind while we come up with ideas for decorating the venue. Make posters of photos that capture some of the key moments in their lives, if you can get your hands on them. Add a touch of class to the presentation of these pictures by framing them elegantly with stylish borders, or blowing them up to poster size so that they can cover the walls of the venue for the party and be a major part of the decorations. As for the other decorations, make them classy and simple, using more straight lines, muted, pastel tones, and combining colors nicely to make them lively but not necessarily exuberant. To go the extra mile, try and provide a small anecdote or snippet of the memory as a bit of reading for your party guests, so that they can go around the room or the venue getting a better idea of the story, or stories, behind these pictures.
Encouraging Good Health
Moving on to the menu, it’s time to keep things light, healthy and very much to the palatability of the guests who may have dietary restrictions that prevent them from eating regular party food, like a luscious cake, or the season’s most popular birthday foods. Don’t misunderstand, we are not saying that you should serve only salads and kale juice. On the contrary, be creative so that you can try and recreate the kinds of things the dignified 60th Birthday girl or boy loves to eat, but keep these recreations healthy by going easy on the spices, sugar or anything else that may not sit well with the older, more respectable guests who will be attending this birthday party.
The Guest List
Lastly, you will need to put together your guest list well in advance and get started informing people about this upcoming 60th Birthday that you will be throwing. The primary reason for getting this list ready much before any other aspect of the party is because it may be more difficult for those who wish to attend to be able to make the necessary arrangements to be there on the day. Make sure that they have enough time to do what is necessary and make themselves available for this birthday, because let’s face it, they may be of a more advanced age and will need more time to make the necessary arrangements to be comfortable during their travel to and from the party. And, once you have the guest list in place, we offer you our collection of 60th Birthday Inytes to help you inform your guests with appropriately designed greetings that come with an RSVP tracking feature so that you can know for sure who will be attending the party.