There are many reasons to celebrate the special moments in our lives, and Inytes.com gives you the perfect way to celebrate many of them with our extensive catalog of Occasions Inytes. No matter what the occasion, we give you the ideal manner in which to prepare yourself to celebrate it, our plethora of Inytes providing you with the means to send invitations that track RSVPs and come with a “Send Gift” feature that allows Inytees to reply with an e-gift card for the host of the celebration.
Housewarming Inytes
There is much auspicious energy that comes with occupying a new living space as an abode, and many cultures around the world celebrate this fact by celebrating the family that has purchased or built their new home in order to settle down into their own place. Take a look at our Housewarming Inytes that you can send so easily to those you want to celebrate this occasion with you.
Baby Shower Inytes
Anticipating the arrival of a bundle of joy is all the reason you need to celebrate a Baby Shower. And you’re in luck, because our bright and cheerful Baby Shower Inytes have the sweetest images and cutest themes to begin setting the atmosphere for this celebration.
Pooja Inytes
Our Pooja Inytes cover a couple of different kinds of poojas that are integral to the lives of many Indians, no matter where in the world that they may be. With this in mind, we have designed these Inytes to appeal to a larger audience, while still depicting very auspicious and religiously significant motifs in order to create visually moving images.
Half Saree Inytes
This important milestone in the life of a young girl as she continues on her journey to become a beautiful woman is celebrated by our vibrant Half Saree Inytes. We wanted our Inytes to capture the free-flowing nature of life, as embodied by this flowing style of attire that signifies the young lady’s blossoming.
Arangetram Inytes
After much committed study and rigorous practice, the Arangetram ceremony is the culmination of this effort as the danseuse takes the stage having graduated from being a pupil to being a master of the dance form she has persevered to learn. To this end, our Arangetram Inytes honor the divine forms that the dancer recreates during her performance, capturing the hearts and minds of her audience by becoming the very embodiment of the art itself.
Cradle Ceremony Inytes
The significance of receiving our name, the most important marker of who we are in the world, is deserving of a ceremonial commemoration indeed. That’s why our Cradle Ceremony Inytes help you organize family members, friends, and all those near and dear to you who must simply share in the joy of your child’s naming.
Bachelor Party Inytes
Often touted as being a young man’s last night as a free man, a Bachelor Party is popularly portrayed in movies as a night of wild abandon, almost as if it were a right that a husband-to-be simply had to enjoy. Thankfully, our Bachelor Party Inytes deal with event in a far classier way, and we are sure you will appreciate us for doing this.
Bachelorette Party Inytes
Much like the Bachelor Party depiction, the Bachelorette Party is portrayed as the last chance for a woman to let herself go before being figuratively tied down, a much-misinformed perspective with regard to the power and individuality of the modern woman, we feel. We trust that you will find our Bachelorette Party Inytes to be far more accurate in the respect that they pay to the modern woman of the 21st century.
Get Together Inytes
Sometimes it is not all about a festive occasion, or a milestone celebration. Sometimes it’s just about bringing people together to celebrate because you care for them all and want to appreciate them. In this case, our Get Together Inytes are perfect for you to announce your next get together and round up friends and family to have a good time.
Aksharabhyas Inytes
In a country where it is greatly frowned upon to touch a book or a piece of paper with writing on it using your foot, whether on purpose or not, the education that one receives is considered to be a veritable blessing. Our Aksharabhyas Inytes give great reverence to the act of being blessed by Goddess Saraswathi as she bestows upon your child the good will and fortune of a solid foundation of education.
Sweet Sixteen Inytes
A most important marker in the life of a young girl as she turns into a young woman before her family and friends, the Sweet Sixteen celebration is all about this transformation. So too our Sweet Sixteen Inytes are all about your princess taking her first steps in the world as a young, confident and ambitious adult.
Dhoti Ceremony Inytes
An iconic piece of apparel in India, the dhoti is a versatile piece of clothing that an Indian man can wear whether he is working in the fields or is attending prayers at the temple. Having said that, the Dhoti Ceremony marks the opportunity for a young boy to wear his first dhoti, thereby signalling his arrival into adulthood. We have Dhoti Ceremony Inytes that we offer you, having taken the time to meticulously design them so that they resonate with the essence of this transformation.
Annaprasan Inytes
Your baby girl or baby beginning to eat solid foods may not be as big a deal as it is in India, but the Annaprasan ceremony is precisely such a celebration to herald the positive and progressive development of the baby. The Annaprasan is a big deal in India, so we created a range of Annaprasan Inytes for this occasion, to help you announce this celebration with the apt amount of pomp.
Upanayan Inytes
Sometimes communities celebrate the growth of a child to the age where she or he can be regarded as being able to consciously enter into lifelong duties associated with keeping up the traditions of the community. The Upanayan ceremony announces the arrival of young brahmin boys to an age where they are legitimately able to determinedly follow in the footsteps of their predecessors as they carry on the practices of their forebears. And, if you haven’t guessed already, our Upanayan Inytes are designed to be sombre yet celebratory notices of the arrival of your young son to such an important age in his life.
Celebrating Special Occasions
People always look forward to celebrating special occasions in their lives, and also the lives of their near and dear ones. It is a natural thing to want to do. Come to think of it, that is our reason for making this website and providing this kind of service to people all around the world. Our Occasions Inytes cover a broad range of types of celebrations that offer people the chance to invite family and friends and enjoy a special time with them making memories that will live on for many lifetimes. This is our way of helping others shape the course of their lives by celebrating the happy moments.
What is an Occasion?
To get technical about this for a second, an occasion is defined as a special, important event. Being special and important, the need to commemorate their happening or arrival is an all too human need, and with good reason too. Recognizing these events, these times as being important to us and to others, helps us appreciate the absolute gift that our life is. Now, this may prompt you to ask whether or not Birthdays, Weddings and Festivals are “Occasions” or not, and we would simply say yes. But then, we would have to point out that those three categories of occasions deserve to be listed individually for they are generalizations of some of the most notable events in all of our lives.
The “Occasions” category can be considered a general category that takes care of the kinds of occasions that do not neatly fit under any other category, or risk being isolated in the own individual category, which would not make much sense. Within the “Occasions” category of Inytes that we feature, we split them up into Contemporary and Traditional, the former featuring more general occasions like Bachelor Party Inytes and Bachelorette Party Inytes, while the latter features slightly more traditionally Indian occasions like Half Saree Inytes and Dhoti Ceremony Inytes.
A Service for All Occasions
Inytes.com aims to provide exactly this, a service for all occasions. We are constantly evolving and trying to increase the kinds of special occasions that we feature Inytes for on our website because it is our aim to be the kind of service that plays a part, a small yet important part perhaps, of helping bring people together to celebrate those times in their lives that deserve to be celebrated. People all over the world are so diverse in their beliefs, their customs, each and every one of them being important because they give lives meaning. Therefore, celebrating these moments, these events, these occasions, becomes a quintessential part of the human experience as each of us makes our way forward in our lives in this world, a reason to celebrate all its own.
If our lives are journeys, then the occasions in our lives are milestones that tell us where we are headed and how far we have come. Every time we reach one of them, or if someone close to us does so, we owe it to ourselves to pause for a moment and celebrate. With specific reference to Inytes.com, we all owe it to ourselves to select the Occasions Inytes that best convey the message we seek to transmit to our loved ones, as we invite them to join us for some time so that we can all share in the joyful vivaciousness of the occasion.
Many Kinds of Occasions
Special times in our lives fall into several categories, and in spite of the cultural diversity that we see among the masses of people all over the world, we can broadly classify them into a couple of categories. There are occasions we celebrate because we have personally achieved something, such as reaching an age that is considered to be a milestone of passage from childhood to adulthood, a series of celebrations honored by our Sweet Sixteen Inytes, Aksharabhyas Inytes, Half Saree Inytes and Dhoti Ceremony Inytes.
Then there are occasions we celebrate because they bring people together to herald our having achieved a stage in our lives where we become fully fledged members of our community, commemorated by our collection of Housewarming Inytes. Under this kind of Inyte we would also list the Bachelor Party Inytes and Bachelorette Party Inytes that we feature, because more than being about an age that the person has reached, they signify a maturity that has been arrived at that has these special people in our lives looking forward to establishing families by inviting other special people to join them in matrimony to spend the rest of their lives together. Of course, both of these kinds of celebrations are popularly depicted as being the last chance for the young men and women to let loose and get any discombobulating energy out of their systems before settling down.
Inytes for All Occasions
As we have mentioned in another of our blog posts, the Inytes we have listed under Occasion Inytes are those which do not seem to fit very neatly into the other categories that we have defined, although this may change as we update and grow our collections. For the present moment, we have further divided this category into Traditional and Contemporary Occasions Inytes.
The Traditional Occasion Inytes that we have many distinct collections of are immersed in the cultural traditions of India, and while many of them have an element of being associated with the reaching of age milestones, they are really much more significant than this. For example, the Aksharabhyas Inytes honor the celebrating of Aksharabhyas, or the beginning of the stage of formal education that every child reaches as they begin their academic pursuits in the hopes of securing a long and fulfilling professional life later on. On the one hand, it is simply a symbolic gesture of getting a daughter or son to write her or his first letters in the presence of family members and other well-wishers, the ceremony conducted under the watchful auspices of a priest who performs religious rites in the name of Goddess Saraswathi. Yet, this perspective ignores the deep value that an education holds for all Indian families. Education is not just a means to an end in India, it is a blessing that we are fortunate to be able to accept in our lives, hence the importance of such an event even though it may be a complete mystery for the young child undergoing this ritual.
While categorizing Occasions into neat and tidy lists is not as easy as it may appear, at Inytes.com, we are constantly striving to bring you the best Occasions Inytes for you and your family, so that you may be able to celebrate them and create memories to enjoy reminiscing for a very long time to come.